Leather Care and Why It’s Important
Why does leather care matter? Leather is unique as a material — even once tanned, leather has a life of its own. If you care for it properly, it will maintain its color, it’s suppleness, and its integrity.
To properly maintain leather, you’ll need to ensure a few things.
Is my leather:
- Clean?
- Conditioned?
- Waterproofed?
How do I clean my leather boots?
Cleaning is fairly straightforward. You remove dust, dirt, and mud from the boots, as fine silicates in dirt can scratch the leather surface. This doesn’t have to be a lengthy or complicated process, you can use a leather cleaner or even just soapy water and a rag. Once the leather is fully dry, you have a perfect surface to condition and seal.
How do I condition my leather?
Next is conditioning, or “feeding” the leather as some people call it. This is essentially just rubbing an oil into the surface of dry leather. Sometimes people will use mink oil, or tallow, but at Boot Guard® we only use natural oils that soak into and nurture the leather. Unlike with mink oil or tallow, no animals are harmed in production of Boot Guard, and it doesn’t leave an unpleasant odor.
You’ll start to see the results of leather conditioning immediately. The leather darkens a little, and as it soaks in the leather will get softer and more flexible. It’s a bit like watching the clock wind back — leather conditioners make leather look and feel brand new!
But there’s a problem, which is that the amazing work done by the oil on the leather will start to fade as its washed away by water or other solvents. The leather will dry out repeatedly after the restorative oils have been stripped away –boots will start to look aged again.
How do I protect my boots from wear and damage?
Luckily, this is a problem we’ve already solved! Boot Guard® incorporates beeswax as a natural sealant, so it prevents drying and protects it from the elements. Leather that’s treated with Boot Guard® stays treated, and only requires reapplication under heavy use to replenish the protective wax coating.
There’s a lot of leather conditioners out there, and a lot of wax sealants. Boot Guard® Leather Dressing gives you both in a convenient, time-saving package.
Want to see Proof?
Visit our testimonials page to see what professionals have to say about it.
Take a look at our demonstrations to watch what conditioning leather looks like in real time.
Once you’ve discovered the value and ease of Boot Guard®, getting your hands on one is simple. Just visit a distributor or order on Amazon.
Best wishes and happy trails,
Team Boot Guard®